The Return of the Light

Throughout the the autumn we have been getting less and less sun light each day. The winter solstice happening tomorrow marks a turning point: The Return of the Light. It is nature's reminder that no matter how dark things get the light always comes back. It is a great thing to remember as the end of 2020 approaches and as the winter days draw near.

This holiday season I would like to remind you of the light and its many rays: Love, peace, unity, harmony, joy, sacredness, togetherness, warmth, aliveness, lightness, tenderness, respect, solidarity, contentment, abundance, beauty, laughter, silence, and many more. May you all be immersed in and suffused by the infinite rays of the Light as you celebrate the holidays with family, friends, or in solitude.

This year we have a special show in the sky. Jupiter and Saturn will be seen very close together in the sky tomorrow December 21st. They have not been this close in 800 hundred years I have heard. We will be able to see them in the southwestern sky slightly above the horizon for about 30 minutes after sunset. I am hoping for clear skies tomorrow.

I am extremely grateful for each and every one of you in my live, for sharing your yoga journey with me, and for all your support this year.

A deep bow to each and everyone of you with all my heart.

Happy Holidays to you all !!!


Jorge Nihal




Release and Change