jñāna : Knowledge

There is a nice coolness in the air in New York City. I took out my winter clothes and wore a long coat this weekend. I always look forward to wearing sweaters and coats in the fall just like I look forward to shorts and t-shirts in the summer. Each year brings a different experience for the same four seasons and yet there is always the same pattern. We know this very well and do things accordingly.

In yoga when we talk about knowledge we are talking about the fruits of the observation of the patterns in nature. Yogis looked deeply into nature and into themselves and found out the very fabric of existence. Sounds easy enough but we human beings have a way of letting our judgements, expectations, and biases get in the way. Many times we get caught up in modes of being that we think serve us but ultimately do not.

I think this is one of the reasons why when we do our yoga practice or meditate we are asked to just observe. In observing we eventually let go of that which hinders a clear vision. We can see the pattern clearly, extract the knowledge from it, and act accordingly.

We will continue to learn to observe our body and mind in our yoga practice this week.


Jorge Nihal




icchā : Will (Part 3)