Many of the yoga philosophy teachers tend to go through many different topics related to the process of self-awareness when they teach. Each time they come to one of these topics they pick a couple of main points to focus on. These points are not always the same and that is done purposely to help us learn to see the same thing from many perspectives. Eventually we get to understand self-awareness in many of its different facets and stages.
This used to drive me a little crazy because I wanted them to teach me all the points in one session. I realize now that is not the way life goes. There is an elliptical way in which the cycles of life flow. Every time something comes up in life whether at a personal or more universal level it is usually not new. However it is a different facet of a thing we have dealt with before. Bringing light into what was in the shadows is not always fun but it has to happen. When I say shadow I mean it is a facet that was not known but it was there. We are just becoming aware of it now. Hence its coming into the light.
In the spirit of this elliptical way of learning we will be focusing on our feet once again this week. I thought it is a very good focus to have to remind ourselves to stay grounded and strong.
Look forward to seeing you in class.
Jorge Nihāl