icchā : Will

I hope the Autumn season is up to a good start for you. Here in the Northeast we have started this season with some continuous light rain which has been going on for a couple of days now. This is  the perfect weather for staying in and reading a book.

As I was doing just that I came across the Sanskrit word icchā which means: will, desire, longing, wishing. One of the teachers that I follow defines icchā  beautifully as a "creative impulse, the pre-cognitive urge towards self expression"(1)

Usually when we think about our power of will we think in terms of summoning our strength and effort to accomplish or attain something that we do not have. The Will that icchā refers to is one that lacks nothing, one that is completely full. icchā refers to the pure inner impulse to manifest what is already contained within and without "knowing exactly what that is before it is expressed" (2)

 This is a very freeing and joyful way to offer and share whatever gifts we have with the world. iccha is a vibrant creative impulse born out of the stillness. A stillness that is pregnant with possibility.

I know that we all have an intention for practicing yoga which is great. This week though let your intention just fade into stillness and do your practice of yoga as way to just manifest what your body, mind, and breath can do. No agendas. Let there be just the pure impulse to move, think, and breathe.

See you in class


Jorge Nihal



(1) "The Recognition Sutras" by Christopher Wallis. P. 75
(2)  "The Recognition Sutras" by Christopher Wallis. P. 75


icchā : Will (Part 2)


Opening at the End