The Unknown

I took my first yoga teacher training at an ashram near the Yuba River in Grass Valley in Northern California. This was a place in the middle of nowhere. On my first night I was walking through the forrest from my room to the building where dinner was served when I felt the urge to look up at the sky. I stopped walking completely when I realized that I could see the Milky Way. It was such a powerful experience of awe, beauty, fear(yes for some reason fear), and recognition of the immensity of the unknown.

There are many ways into the unknown.The current state of the world has certainly triggered the experience of the unknown in all of us. The whole world has been walking through new territory at both the personal and global level. The immensity of the task at hand can be overwhelming. When encountering the unknown is good to take one step at a time. One of my teachers used to say that usually this step is right in front of us.

For instance lately my steps have been to continue working on my rehabilitation and to support everyone including my family as much as I can through my work. A friend in Seattle took on the task of calling people on the phone during this election to encourage them to vote. Others in Florida were standing with signs on the streets supporting what they believed in. Others were taking care of their kids day in and day out so they don't feel as overwhelmed by this situation.

Some steps may look big and others small but we must take them with conviction and strength. When we come to yoga class we don't know what's on the menu for that day but as we move through the class we take one yoga pose after another to the best of our ability. At the end we feel great because we gave it all we got. Whether it looked big or small it does not matter.

We are taking this journey into the unknown together. We all have our roles to play and we must play them well.


A Refreshing New Beginning

